How long does it take to use up a disposable vape?

The lifespan of your disposable vaporizer depends on several factors, such as your vaping habit and the device in question. On average, a disposable vaping device will run out after 300 to 600 inhalations, but it will continue depending on the model you use.

How long does it take to use up a disposable vape?

The lifespan of your disposable vaporizer depends on several factors, such as your vaping habit and the device in question. On average, a disposable vaping device will run out after 300 to 600 inhalations, but it will continue depending on the model you use. In general, most disposable vaporizers last 3 to 5 days. A higher-capacity disposable device will last longer than that.

However, it's essential to note that vaporizers will last shorter or longer periods, depending on how often you inhale. Every vaper is unique, and you might need a bit of trial and error to see how quickly you go without vaping with a disposable vaporizer. Most small-capacity vaporizers in the hands of a frequent user last three to five days. However, other commonly used disposable vaporizers last longer than that.

So it's no surprise that frequent vapers finish their disposable vaporizers quickly compared to other users. Most disposable vaporizers take 2 to 3 hours to fully charge. Once the vaporizer is charged, you can enjoy it up to 400 puffs. After that, you'll have to discard the vaporizer and buy a new one.

Keep your disposable away from direct sunlight, especially in the hottest months of the year, because if it gets too hot, it can damage the battery and also affect the taste of the e-liquid. Let's look at how long an average disposable vaporizer should last and other options that new vapers have at their disposal.

Shelley Stoyle
Shelley Stoyle

Unapologetic web trailblazer. Devoted internet junkie. General zombie geek. Lifelong social media enthusiast. Pop culture guru.